Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Post About Nothing - No, Really

I did nothing at all in my last job.

I realise people say that, but I mean it literally; I’d get in at 8.30am, and all day I’d email friends, browse the internet, blog and occasionally try and write something more substantial (but still strictly personal).

I’d leave at 5.30pm or so, go home, complete a few basic domestic chores and then drape myself over a sofa for the evening and read a book. I always felt exhausted.

And now I have a job (temporarily, at least) which is fun and demanding. It keeps me thinking for nine hours a day, and I’m always ‘on’. I think maybe it’s what I needed.

This morning I managed to unload the dishwasher, make plunger coffee, iron shirt, sew hem of trouser leg back up, edit and post to blog and walk out the door made-up (seriously, guys, don’t tell me how much ties suck, try having to smear paint all over your face every morning) and be-suited all within 45 minutes. As in, by 6.50am.

This afternoon was about the same. And then at 9.30pm I thought, I’ve been pretty efficient today, what have I forgotten?

The answer is: to think of something to blog about. I no longer have time to read the papers and garner inspiration (although I did hear some guy died…I don’t know, he had something to do with lizards or something? Anyway, I hear people are sad. I’m sorry for your loss, all you sad people)

So I’m afraid this is it. No substantive post Friday. Wasn't really worth even clicking through, really, was it? Blame work.= >Blame the government. But don’t blame me.


Blogger abacus said...

you do realise that if you arose at 5:55am instead of 6:05am you'd get time to read the papers?

08 September, 2006  

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